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Writer's picturenikiflorica

Not Alone. Ever.

"The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure." (1 Cor. 10:13, NLT)

I Corinthians 10:13 has often been an encouragement to me, especially the last half—the promise that we will never be tempted with more than we can resist, and that God will always see us through. In truth, I feel as if I've overlooked the first line of this well-known verse for most of my life . . . but today, after an uplifting time with friends, God called these words to my mind.

Today, I was faced with the simple reminder that I am not alone. Too often Satan can get inside our heads, convince us that we are lost in the dark, far too burdened or discouraged or downtrodden for anyone else to possibly understand. He can wield that lie as a wedge between us and God, diluting our desire to seek strength from anyone—including the One with the power to help. If we succumb to that deception, it can isolate us—from God, from friends, from the support of those who love us.

But remember that it is a lie. You are not alone, and your struggle is not unique to the human experience. You will never walk a path that has not been walked before you, and there could be those in your life—even in your closest circle—who need support from you as much as you need it from them. Don't allow Satan to herd you away from the needs and love of those close to you. The pit of self-pity is deep and lonely . . . take my advice, and don't dig it yourself.

Even in despair, we can breathe a prayer of thanks for the certainty that we have never been alone. God is beside us, and places people in our lives to strengthen us through the storms, to rekindle our hope in the darkness, and to remind us of the needs of others that are so much like our own.

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