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Adventure Awaits in 2020!

Today (aside from being Tasnil the Usurper's birthday) marks the first day of a new year, a new decade, and what could be a new chapter in all of our lives.

It's been an eventful year, speaking personally. By the grace of God, I published a book, attended an Heir of Ariad Launch Party (and against all laws of introversion, enjoyed it), took part in a book signing, went to Nationals with my school's Symphonic Winds, and lost both my guinea pig and beloved great-grandmother within just two days of each other. There's more I could mention, but the point remains: it has been a year of unpredictable adventures, and now it's time to turn a new page.

As part of my 2020 page-turning mission, I decided to undertake something I've never really sunk my teeth into in the past: a 365-day devotional. (I know. What a wild thing I am.) Although devotionals are not usually a consistent part of my daily Bible routine, I'm excited to dive into Sarah Young's Jesus' Calling (which, like all extra-biblical resources, will be read through the lens of God's Word) and even more so now that the very first entry has utterly pierced my heart.

This morning I've been called to a deeper relationship with Jesus, a willingness to be changed by him and to surrender myself to his transforming power. It's a new year, a blank slate, an opportune time to set out on a new leg of the Christian journey. I have made a Spiritual New Year's Resolution and I resolve to start today.

Resolution: to let go of old ways and seek Jesus' face with a willingness to be transformed by the renewing of my mind.

This is an area of personal struggle. Yours might take a different form, and need a different resolution. But now is the time to take the first step past yesterday, the first step past whatever your struggle is toward the victory that awaits in Christ. Make a spiritual New Year's Resolution; write it down, stick it in your wallet, on your mirror, in your car, wherever. Make today the first day of the next leg of your adventure, and enter 2020 with Jesus as your compass, the Word as your roadmap, and heaven as your destination.

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