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Swabs & Psalms, Sparrows & Blossoms

Well, I had a good run, but I've officially reached the other side of my first Covid test! I'm grateful that my family has been able to stay safe and fairly healthy since the pandemic began (thank God) allowing me to successfully evade my fear of having a swab stuck up my nose. Yes, I'm a wimp. Don't judge.

I'm also thankful for the new job that required me to get a test done, and for the super nice gal at the test centre who conducted the whole swab-nose-extravaganza with remarkable ease. (Shout-out to you, Heather, wherever you are.)

In other words, lots of gratitude. God is so good. And it's funny, but despite my hope of getting through this pandemic without needing to face my fear, when the moment came, I was super chill about it. Those of us who have been through similar experiences know that those calms have God's fingerprints all over them.

When I discovered that I needed a test, I could have panicked. At the very least, I could have spent every waking moment beforehand manically mowing my nails down to their beds. I've heard enough people's testing experiences to know that the process isn't exactly comfy—and I now confirm that. But since when is life about being comfy? Sometimes life shoves a swab up your nose. That's just the way it rolls. And you know what?

It's fine.

Jesus instructs us very specifically not to worry about the future. God looks after the birds, the blossoming flowers, and He does the same for us with even more care, even more attention. In uncertain times, we can trust that He is working and that we will have all the strength we need to endure the yucky parts when the time comes. I did. You will, too. And if you need more convincing, take a glance behind you.

Look at all the times God brought you through something you never thought you'd have the courage to do. Look at the mountains you've summited, the molehills you've stepped over, the valleys you've climbed out of stronger and wiser than before. Take a page out of David's psalm-book and trust God—who brought you down that road—to carry you through the rest of the way.

In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall. God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. (Ps. 18:29-30)
But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. (Ps. 10:29-31)
So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. (Matthew 6:34)

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